Halloween Eyeballs

This is a simple quick recipe for a terrifying treat at Halloween. Essentially, this is a panna cotta recipe with the addition of the fruit. So you can utilise this recipe any time of year, just pour into ramekins rather than the mould used for the eyeballs.

Prep time - 20 minutes

Cook time - 10 minutes

Difficulty - Medium

Serves / makes - 10-16 eyeballs


150g silken tofu

1/4 cup rice syrup

1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence

120ml dairy free milk

2 teaspoons agar powder

6 tablespoons water

10-16 blueberries, 1 for each sphere in the mould

1T rice syrup or other syrup

A few drops red food colouring


Silicone mould with 10-16 spheres


Hand blender



  1. Mix the 1T rice syrup with the food colouring, add a little to the bottom of the moulds.

  2. Blend the tofu, syrup, vanilla essence and milk till smooth.

  3. In a pan heat the agar with the water on a high heat until it thickens, this will take around two minutes. Pour the agar into the tofu mixture whilst blending.

  4. Pour the mixture into the mould, add a blueberry to each mould, pushing to the bottom.

  5. Freeze for at least one hour. Remove from the mould and onto a plate.

  6. Dress with a drizzle of the syrup.